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Cupertino Hands-on Message Passing, Test

Date: 08/26/23 Start: 10:00 AM End: 11:30 AM Location: Cupertino City Hall
Credential Credit (What's this?): No

Cupertino ARES (CARES) has recently introduced 2 new forms into our operation.  While the packet version was tested during our recent Packet-in-the-Park training, we still need to test out the forms for voice passing.

This is a low stress hands-on voice message passing exercise that will introduce and practice the following:

  1. COES213SS-ARK Sit Stat form
  2. 911 Incident Report form
  3. General message passing (COES 213SF Short Message form)

Regardless of your experience, all CARES members are invited.  We will meet at and operate in the vicinity of City Hall.  Please bring the following:

  1. Your HT, clipboard, pen and paper
  2. CARES Field Communicator Handbook
  3. ICS214 Unit Log, ICS213SF Message Short Form (if you have them), and ICS309 comm log. 
  4. All other 'test' forms will be provided.

Please log in if you want to participate in this event.