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Message Passing - Tabletop

Date: 03/16/13 Start: 9:00 AM End: 12:00 PM Location: Sunnyvale Fire station #2
Credential Credit (What's this?): Yes

The course description and handouts are available via the link below.

Click here to see a printable flyer and the course handouts (PDF format)

Good message passing skills are critical to effective communications.

This class will start with a review of basic message passing skills and work up through tips and techniques for accurate and clear communications.  It will include numerous exercises for practicing learned skills and techniques.

Attendees should bring their own printed copy of the handoutsNO handouts will be available at the training.

Location of the training: Sunnyvale Fire station #2 at the intersection of Wolfe Rd. and E. Arques Ave.  795 East Arques Ave., Sunnyvale.  GPS coordinates: 37°22’52.51”N x 122°00’44.90”W and Thomas Bros.  Page 812 Grid G7.

Monitor AA6BT, 146.115 MHz ,+ offset, PL of 100.0 Hz,  the morning of the class for any changes relative to the class, location, etc.

Note: 90% or better class time attendance required for credit.

Instructor: Pat Moore

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