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Comms Exercise - The TECH Challenge April 20 & 21st

Date: 04/20/13 Start: 7:00 AM End: 6:00 PM Location: SJ TECH Museum (Parkside Hall)
Credential Credit (What's this?): Yes

The Event runs 2 Days this year.
Saturday April 20   0700 - 1800 hours
Sunday   April 21    0800 - 1300 hours

Amateur Radio assistance is needed for The Tech Challenge which is a program sponsored by the Tech Museum.  Shadows for event officials, Rovers (Field Operators), Stationary Field Operators, Resource Net operators, and Net Monitors will be needed. 
The event runs 2 days.  There will be two (2) shifts on Saturday and one (1) shift on Sunday. 

Saturday Shift 1: 0700 - 1230 hours    Saturday Shift 2: 1230 - 1800 hours
Sunday Shift: 0800 - 1300 hours

Free parking will be provided for participants at Adobe.  Free Tech Challenge T-shirt, and free food.

The challenge
this year is for the kids to launch 3  "capsules" ( Raw Eggs) and land them on three different landing sites, one of which is tipped at about a 45 deg. angle.  Should prove to be very challenging and fun to watch.  For further information on the event, follow this link:

The following positions are available for this event. You can state your preference when you sign up for the event. The event coordinator will attempt to accommodate your request. Based on the event and its requirements, the event coordinator may move hams to positions other than those requested.

Click on a position title for a description of the specific requirements for that position

Shadow-Saturday-Shift 15
Shadow-Saturday-Shift 25
Shadow-Sunday shift3
Rover-Saturday-Shift 10
Rover-Saturday-Shift 20
Rover-Sunday shift0
Generalist-Saturday-shift 1yes
Generalist-Saturday-shift 2yes
Generalist-Sunday shiftyes
Resource NCO-Sat-0600-1000 hrs0
Resource NCO-Sat-1000-1600 hrs1
Resource NCO-Sat-1600-1900 hrs0
Resource NCO-Sun-0600-1000 hrs0
Resource NCO-Sun-1000-1430 hrs0
Net Monitor-Saturday-shift 10
Net Monitor-Sat-shift 22
Net monitor-Sun shift1
Shift Supervisor-Sat-shift 12
Shift Supervisor-Sat-shift 21
Shift Supervisor-Sunday shift2
Field Operator-Sat-shift 12
Field Operator-Sat-shift 23
Field Operator-Sunday shift0
Please log in if you want to participate in this event.