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Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES
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Event Detail and Sign Up

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Countywide Exercise & SET - Shift 1

Date: 10/27/18 Start: 8:00 AM End: 11:15 AM Location: Moffett Field
Credential Credit (What's this?): Yes

Purpose:  This is our annual, large-scale, countywide communications exercise.  It is intended to exercise individuals, teamwork and equipment.  We will offer activities for field communicators, net controls, packet operators and shadows.  Individual equipment and the county communications trailer equipment will be used.  This event will also serve as our annual ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) drill for 2018.

This sign-up is for participation as an amateur radio responder.

Scenario:  The Santa Clara County EMA is conducting a CERT Search & Rescue exercise on October 27th from 0800 to 1500.  They have requested Amateur Radio Support.  CERT teams will be conducting searches, surveys and other activities within simulated neighborhoods and report back to their simulated neighborhood incident command posts (ICP).  Amateur radio will provide communications between the ICPs and the simulated EOC.  Additional amateur radio emergency communications skills will also be exercised.

Location:  Moffett Field

Overall Event:  This is a county-wide exercise focused on emergency communications in support of a CERT exercise.  It is designed to provide participants with valuable in-field operating experience.  Standard County procedures will be used:  Resource Net, ICS documentation, Performance Standard and Best Practices.

DSW:  You need a County DSW card to participate. If you are a registered county DSW, you are expected to use the Resource Net. Follow standard Resource Net procedures. If you do not have a valid County DSW you will be sworn in as a DSW worker for the event when you arrive.

Shifts:  Two shifts are planned.  Shift 1: 0800-1110 and Shift 2: 1150-1500.   You need to arrive AT LEAST 30 minutes before your shift to go through Staging.  And some Net Control and Shadow positions may be asked to extend thier shifts slightly. Amateur radio participants can sign up for one or both shifts and can pick the same or different positions for each shift.  Those who are also CERT members can participate as an amateur radio operator during one shift and as a CERT participant during the other shift.  (Sign-up separately for CERT activities at

This page is for Shift 1 sign-ups.   See the Shift 2 sign-up page.

MAC Evals:  Evals will be offfered for those who want them. The following MAC evaluations will be offered:  F3, F2, F1, N3, N2, N1, P3, P2, P1, S3, S2, and S1.  Those who want an evaluation need to contact KE6TIM at ARRL dot net after signing up.

More Details:   Visit the drill page for additional details and overall schedule.  Make sure you understand the schedule and the need to arrive at the drill location 30 minutes before your shift begins.

The following positions are available for this event. You can state your preference when you sign up for the event. The event coordinator will attempt to accommodate your request. Based on the event and its requirements, the event coordinator may move hams to positions other than those requested.

Click on a position title for a description of the specific requirements for that position

Field Ops - Shift 1 w/optional MAC eval1
Net Control -Shift 1 w/optional MAC eval2
Field Packet - Sft 1 w/optional MAC eval0
EOC Packet - Shift 10
Shadow - Shift 1 w/optional MAC eval3
Please log in if you want to participate in this event.