County Seal
Santa Clara County ARES®/RACES
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ARES/RACES Communications Drill - COUNTY participation

Date: 02/23/19 Start: 9:00 AM End: 1:00 PM Location: SCCo EOC
Credential Credit (What's this?): Yes

Santa Clara County and City Quarterly Drill.  This sign-up is for participation at the county EOC.  You MUST have approval from your city EC before you sign up.


  • 08:45 - Arrive at EOC, sign in, orient yourself
  • 09:00 - Briefing begins
  • 10:00 - Exercise begins
  • 12:00 - Exercise ends; debrief begins
  • 13:00 - Debrief ends; go home

Operating Positions:

  • Net control
    • The net control position in the county radio room can be non-stop action, so preference is given to existing MACs and MITs.
    • One Net Control must be an experienceed NCO and able to handle a very busy net.  This position must be approved by Staff.
  • Packet
    • The packet position is the county radio room is also non-stop action, plus you gain experience with the two-PC station used at the county.  Again, preference is given to existing MACs and MITs.
  • Support
    • Support positions include message runner, logging, message injection, etc.

MAC Evaluations:

  • Evaluations will be offered for the N3, N2, P3 and P2 (providing we have evaluators).  Please sign up accordingly.  The evaluations will include the operator skills area, as well as the knowledge area.  Depending on the weather, we may also offer equipment evaluations in the parking lot after the event is over.


  • The County EOC is located on the 4th floor of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office, located at 55 W. Younger Ave., San Jose.
  • Park across the street.  No permit is required on Saturday.  Do NOT park next to the Sheriff's Office building.
  • Enter the front lobby and go to the window at your left.
  • Inform the deputy that you need to go up to the 4th Floor EOC.  You will need to show a valid state-issued ID (such as a Driver's License).  No ID, no admittance.
  • The deputy will unlock the door to your right.  Go through the door and up the elevator to the fourth floor. 
  • Exit the elevator to the left and enter the double doors. 
  • Sign in on the ICS-211 at the entrance counter.
  • Then turn to the right and walk down the hall.

Drill Information:

The following positions are available for this event. You can state your preference when you sign up for the event. The event coordinator will attempt to accommodate your request. Based on the event and its requirements, the event coordinator may move hams to positions other than those requested.

Click on a position title for a description of the specific requirements for that position

Net Control1
Packet Operator0
County Staff/Evalyes
Radio Room Support0
Please log in if you want to participate in this event.